1st Year Subject Choice 2024

Parent/ Guardian,

Our present First Years after sampling eight option subjects to date are now been given the opportunity to decide which subjects they should study for the Junior Cycle from 25th November 2024. As most parents are aware this may have consequences for future course, college and career choice.

Making a decision about subject choice is difficult for most students. They must consider whether they like the subject, how important or useful it might be to them in the future, whether they have an ability to perform well at the subject, whether the subject is required or recommended for their future career or course choice. They also have to listen to their teacher’s advice as to the suitability of the subject for them.

Parents and Guardians are also very influential. I strongly advise that concerned parents should at least familiarise themselves with the Subject Requirements section on the Qualifax website.

Given the age of the student and the volatility in young people’s choice of career, the best advice may be to keep their options open. It might also be helpful to note that most students only see usefulness in terms of direct application to a field of employment. Students should be encouraged to appreciate the distinct contribution each subject can make to their social, emotional and intellectual development.

I would also strongly suggest that a student tries to stay at the Higher level if he/she feels they have the ability. Higher Grades will give students more choices when making decisions in Senior Cycle. Subjects that will be offered are subject to the teaching resources available and class size requirement.

When making your subject choice students must rank 4 subjects from the 8 listed on the Subject choice selection box on VSWARE. 1 as the rank beside the subject you most want to do, the number 2 is beside the next and so on up to rank 4. Students will be given their desired subjects as far as possible. As this is a random selection process using timetabling software there is no guarantee that all students will be given their top two subject preferences.

Further Advice and Guidelines on Specific Subjects

The closing date for entering preferences for your child on VSWARE is Tuesday November 19th 2024

Explanatory Video for VS WARE Subject Choice-please click below...