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Junior Cycle Wellbeing Guidelines
The Framework for Junior Cycle (2015) provides for a new area of learning at junior cycle called Wellbeing. Wellbeing will cross the three years of junior cycle and build on substantial work already taking place in school in support of students’ wellbeing. The areas of learning will make the school’s culture and ethos and commitment to wellbeing visible students. It will include learning opportunities to enhance the physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing of students. It will build life skills and develop a strong sense of connectedness to their school an to their community.
For more information on the Junior Cycle Wellbeing Guidelines log onto
5 a day for good mental health
1. Connect
What helps you to grow healthy connections with others in your life?
- Value family time
- Nurture old friendships
- Make new friends
- Connect with colleagues
- Focus on the quality not the quantity of connections
- Reach out for support when needed
2. Be Active
Which ways of being active do you enjoy?
- Engage in some exercise
- Walk or cycle instead of driving
- Get some fresh air everyday
- Maintain a balanced diet
- Drink sensibly
- Get enough sleep
3. Take Notice
What do you notice about how you feel right now?
- Build time for reflection into your day
- Focus on the present
- Savour the moment
- Be mindful rather than mind full
- Notice the air you are breathing
- Be aware of the world around you
4. Keep Learning
What have you learnt or tried for the first time recently?
- Try something new
- Rediscover an old interest
- Sign up for a course
- Attend a workshop / conference
- Make time for reading
- Be curious
5. Give
What have you done recently to make someone happy or to help someone?
- Provide a listening ear
- Lend support where you can
- Show kindness & compassion to others
- Volunteer
- Make someone smile
- Help out a neighbour or friend