The Department of Education and Skills requires each school to engage in the practice of self-reflection or a School Self Evaluation (SSE) process. School self-evaluation is a “collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review”.
A quality framework titled Looking at Our School 2022 A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools provides a unified and coherent set of standards for two dimensions of the work of schools: teaching and learning and leadership and management. The teaching and learning dimension of the Quality Framework supports schools as they engage in the school self-evaluation process.
The process of School Self Evaluation is an evidence-based approach, it involves gathering information from a range of sources about the quality of teaching and learning in our school, and then making decisions and action plans based on the evidence gathered. It culminates in the development of a School Improvement Plan which sets targets for improvement in certain areas. The ultimate purpose of SSE is to improve the quality of learning in schools.
Our SSE Targets for School Improvement 2023-2025
For the academic years 2023-2025, our aim in Scoil na Tríonóide Naofa is to continue to build on our previous success within the same Domains, Standards and Statements of the Looking at Our School 2022 Framework. This is with a view to consolidating progress made to date and to maximise the potential for development in some key areas particular to our current context.
As Self Evaluation is a collaborative approach to Teaching and Learning, is it important that we include all stakeholders and members of the school community – the Board of Management, Principal, Deputy Principal, teachers, students, and parents. Our Sixth-Year Student Leadership Team and Parents Council are actively involved in our School Self Evaluation process.